effective environments - consultants to nonprofits, small businesses and entrepreneurs

effective environments - consultants to nonprofits, small businesses and entrepreneurs
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effective environments
3910 N. Blackhawk Rd.
Silver City, NM 88061
Tel.: (575) 534-2121
Fax: (575) 388-1016




Technologies and Tools


The Art and Science of Projects

Project methodology and principles are key for achieving results. Projects empower you to clarify, structure, manage and win at what you set out to accomplish as an organization or as an individual. The power of a project lies in the nature of projects:

  • A project has a clear result to be produced,
  • A project is finite — it has a beginning, a middle and an end,
  • A project has clear steps to be taken and a plan for taking them, and
  • A project can be managed.

Formulating, designing and managing projects gives you access to critical tools for moving with velocity and averting overwhelm.

For an organization, a common approach or methodology around projects has the added benefit of creating a common way of thinking about results and how to achieve them.

Our Approach

Projects are a way of thinking about producing results and organizing for action. Fundamentally, a project is really about organizing your thinking and organizing people to achieve a result. It’s about thinking in a way that breaks the results into bite-sized pieces and that keeps you focused on the result and the pathways.

There are nine elements to a successful project design. We train you in these keys to extraordinary projects. As a result, your projects will have:

  • Clear, measurable results to be achieved
  • Team and organizational alignment on the project and its purpose
  • A clear connection to your organization’s long-term objectives.

Projects succeed when the focus is on creating and maintaining a powerful team and recognizing that people are the key to achieving the result.

Our project methodology is a simple approach that emphasizes creating clarity on the results to be achieved, working from the results, creating powerful teams and managing the project based on what is needed now to succeed.

We focus on building powerful project teams and on effective practices for managing projects.

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"...as manager of a rapidly growing information systems department, I needed a large cadre of trained project managers. Your project management workshop laid the groundwork and established the basic concepts for what it takes to create and manage a project. You work made a direct impact on our ability to produce results."

Director, Information Systems
Robert Half International

"...your course completely altered our perspective on projects and how they can be- designed....the complete paradigm shift around projects that [my employees] experienced was stunning. You provided the missing pieces that were missing piece that I had not been able to give them. It’s clear to me that they had the type of breakthrough that is not (usually) available in business courses; they had an experience that shifted the way they operate."

CFO, Special Order Systems

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